6 Things I’ve Learned After 6 Months in Business

When I began making candles as a hobby almost three years ago, I didn’t know it would eventually lead me down the path that I always dreamt of: running my own creative studio. It never seemed like a realistic option for me. But here we are. It’s been over six months since I took the leap into self-employment and never looked back.

It’s been a fairly short amount of time, but I’ve learned so much about running a business. I’ve learned a lot about myself and life in general, too. Here are 6 things I’ve learned after 6 months as a full-time business owner:

  1. Change is Inevitable.

My partner (who also owns his own business) shared this chart with me after I had been self-employed for about a month or so. He intentionally waited to show it to me until I hit the #3, Crisis of Meaning, stage.

I was questioning everything and feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and like an imposter. The Transition Curve helped me to understand the natural course of what it’s like to run a business.

This cycle repeats itself and the most important aspect to remember is that you have a choice after hitting #3: your can Crash and Burn, or push through until you get to the Informed Optimism stage. I love that this cycle can be applied to anything, personally or professionally.

2. You can rest.

Queue the clip of Keke Palmer saying, “You can rest, and everything that’s meant to happen for you is still going to happen for you.” I’ll link it here.

This quote has helped me so much. I tend to have a hard time letting myself rest, because it feels like there’s always work to be done and I’m “missing out on life” if I take a break.

I’ve learned that it’s sometimes better to let go, recharge, and refocus, instead of overdoing it. It’s important to trust that The Universe has a way of working things out, even if you take a break.

3. There’s always work to be done.

Okay, so I know I basically just said the opposite of this, but this is true as well! When business (or life in general) is in a slow season, there’s still work that can be done. I’m in a slower season right now, so I am taking time to catch up on internal tasks (like writing this blog post). I’m also taking more time for myself, because I know that sooner or later, I will be booked and busy again. My future self will be thankful that I took this time to focus on business operations and self-care.

4. Patience is key.

This one is probably the most difficult for me to grasp. We’re so accustomed to the instant gratification we get from our phones, and it can be detrimental to us. This “I want everything to be done right now” mindset plagues me almost every day. When I send a project proposal, my first instinct is to expect it to be reviewed and signed immediately…but good things take time. I am learning to be patient and trust that what is meant to be will be, in due time.

5. We attract the life we are grateful for.

I’ve had this quote on my vision board all year. I read it to myself almost every day.

Take some time today to be truly grateful to The Universe (or God, etc.) for everything you’ve experienced thus far. Great opportunities turn into even more wonderful opportunities when you acknowledge your gratitude. 

6. Celebrate your wins!

I am doing the damn thing! And I’ve been doing it for six months now!! That’s something to celebrate for sure. As I’m writing this, I am realizing that I haven’t done much to celebrate my wins. I just keep moving forward. I’m making a promise to myself to have a day this month where I celebrate everything I’ve accomplished thus far. I just booked a tattoo appointment (the best way to reward yourself IMO).

Here’s to ME! 🥂

You’ve got a lot to celebrate, too. Don’t forget to treat yourself for all the hard work you’ve done!

Here’s to plenty of new opportunities at With Love, Libby. Thank you for supporting me throughout this journey. I can’t do what I do without all of you!

With Love, Libby


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